There are several options for you to pay bills for services provided at your primary care practice.

Online Bill Pay
Pay online with credit card.

Step 1:
Please review your billing statement.

If your statement is from Alpine Medical Group Colorado – DBA Colorado Physician Partners, please proceed to step 2. If not, please call the number on your statement.

Step 2:
Make a payment using the Phreesia payment portal.

Phreesia Payment Portal

  • Phreesia is secure and you will be asked to first provide your patient info.
  • You will then enter your payment information.
  • The last step will take you to a confirmation page.

In Person
Pay at your primary care doctor’s office with credit card, check or cash.

Call with credit card information: 720-728-5170, option 1.

Send check or credit card information to payment address provided on the statement.

We accept most major credit cards.

Contact Patient Billing: 720-728-5170, option 1.